
Friday, July 27, 2018

How Financially Rewarding Can a Junk Removal Company Be?

When individuals state that "one person's garbage is one more individual's treasure," they are not joking. There is money to be made in junk, and setting up a junk pub is one method for you to make money from other individuals's garbage. The concern some individuals may ask prior to they get involved in this venture is, "How much loan exists to be made in junk removal?"

The solution to this concern is in exactly how much job you took into such a company. In other words, the amount of loan that you make with a junk removal company is reliant on exactly what you do to earn the sort of cash you really hope to make. Some people who have actually gone into the junk hauling business do not gain as much as others due to a few of the restrictions that they place on their business.

Exactly what you offer your consumers and exactly how well you do your work will play a big duty in just how much you wind up making. A value-added list of offerings will certainly make clients intend to pick you over your rivals, so figuring out exactly what your target audience wants and also what will certainly make them select you will help you gain more. Offering services that your rivals do not supply will additionally aid you obtain ahead of the pack and also make your business a lot more financially rewarding.

If you are looking for the response to the inquiry regarding what does it cost? you can make with a junk removal business, the response is not that straightforward. Other than the quantity hing on just how much work you place in and also just how ingenious you could be, your target audience and area additionally figures in this formula. There are some that have actually made around 6-figures on a monthly basis with such a business, or even a few that have actually become multi-millionaires with such a venture.

Exactly what to Do to Earn a Lot with a Junk Removal Company
The first point you have to carry out in order to earn a lot from a junk removal business is to dedicate. Devote to business, dedicate to the effort that is had to make it prosper, and also dedicate to the fact that it is a filthy type of work.

You also need to do quality work. Careless job will not get you references and it also won't get you return consumers. When your customers more than happy with exactly what you are doing, you will certainly find that they will certainly recommend you to others and also they will certainly return to you whenever they should have their junk hauled again.

One recommendation that you ought to take into consideration when you are considering entering into the junk removal business is to begin your very own company instead of choose a franchise. This will certainly provide you the possibility to innovate and also to establish your very own techniques as well as promotions to enhance revenues and also your client base. With a junk removal franchise, you are limited by the rules set by your franchiser. When you possess your company, you not just foretell, but you establish your own policies, you can launch ingenious suggestions, as well as you can grow according to your personal vision.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

You Can’t Afford a Cheap, Amateur Website

You can’t afford an amateur website.

Everyone in this day and age goes to the web to find home service companies if they don’t have one they have used in the past. Most go to Google and do a web search. Hopefully you are running Google Ads (formerly AdWords) and engaging in active Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so customers can find you. However, if you are doing these things but have a weak website, the traffic to your site will not convert into jobs. This is a terrible situation because not only are you losing potential customers, but you’re actually paying money to do so!

One of the main reasons junk removal business owners try out Google Ads and then quit is because they get clicks and web traffic but it doesn’t lead to any business. This is often the case because your website didn’t sell them when they got to it. They weren’t sure you could handle their job or that you were professional enough for them.

Look around the web and you’ll find that around 90 percent of non-franchised junk removal companies out there have a cheap and amateur website. A good, professional website could easily increase customer conversions by 20 percent or more. That means that if you were getting 15 jobs a month, you could easily add another three jobs through that month just by having a better website. That’s over $1,000 a month you are leaving on the table.

Choosing to create a site on your own to save a few thousand dollars is in fact costing you over $12,000 a year (or more)! This is a perfect example of thinking of an investment as an expense. A great website is one of the best investments you can make in your business – it will yield returns that far exceed its relatively small cost. Screwing up this one decision could prevent your company from ever reaching its true potential.

So what makes a great website?

Here’s the simple stuff:

  • A secure website (https in the URL)
  • Fast loading pages because image file sizes aren’t too large
  • Pleasant colors and a design that’s not too busy
  • Noticeable phone number
  • “Contact Us” form (or email address visitors can click)
  • High quality images of your real staff, customers, and branded trucks
  • Customer-focused verbiage
  • Not too much detail (as in paragraphs and paragraphs of text)
  • Yelp or Google Reviews badges (or logos of name-brand companies you work with)
  • A clear Call to Action (“contact us” or “book now”)

Some sites have way too much detail. When it comes to text, less is more. Most people will barely take the time to read a page with just a few lines of text. Asking them to read paragraph after paragraph about junk removal is a mistake and a huge waste of your time.

Having high quality images of your staff, your trucks (if they are branded properly), and your happy customers is also very important. You very well might have to invest in a camera that is better than your phone (at minimum, one with adjustable shutter speed and ISO). You also need to gain a basic understanding of lighting and angles. Crisp, high-resolution images can help conversions for your site tremendously.

The wording on the site should specifically address your customers’ needs and their situations.  Use the word “you” often, as in “what do you do with all the junk you have?” This is a much stronger approach than just telling the customer about how great the company is – you’re specifically addressing the customer’s pain point.

Including review badges from sites like Google and Yelp also provide social proof that you are trustworthy. Another technique is showing logos of recognizable companies that you work with.

A good webpage will conclude with a clear call to action at the bottom, such as “call us” or “book now.” This can take the form of either simple text or an actual button, but it should be bright and noticeable so it’s clear to visitors what they should do next.

The only reason your website exists is to generate business. A great site will easily increase your conversions by at least 20 percent. You can’t afford NOT to have a great website.

Here is a quick test to see if you have a good site: when someone asks for your website, are you eager to share it and proud of how it looks (or do you make up excuses for why it’s out of date and needing repair)?  If you aren’t excited for people to see the site then you probably need a change.

How can you get a great site, fast?

JRA offers a junk removal website design that is professional, informative, and proven to convert. JRA features two website options that are proven to generate customers.

The first option is our landing page, which costs $200 a month. This is a single page that provides customers with a clear overview of your services, a call to action, video, and links to book jobs online or give you a call. In addition, the landing page is optimized to help you rank extremely well on Google search results. View an example here:

Harrisburg Page

The JRA landing page is an aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, fully customized web page designed to produce a high conversion rate.


The other option is our complete site at just $350 a month. This is a fully constructed, optimized website that includes pages for each of your services (such as junk removal, concrete removal, and demolition), as well as a “Contact Us” page, “Meet the Team” page, and more. Here is an example of a JRA complete site:

JunkGuys Demo Page

The JRA complete site includes a professional, user-friendly interface, quality aesthetic, and pages for additional services, like the Demolition page above.


Unlike sites that you buy outright (and which could go unchanged for years and years), our innovative monthly site is constantly tested and improved. And since no tech company manages more junk removal websites than JRA, you get data from all over the country as to what design, wording, colors, etc. leads to the most bookings – and then those updates are applied to your site!

Lastly, there is no upfront fee or commitment! That’s right. You simply pay for the first month and we build your site. You can then use the site for however long you want.

Listen guys, get smart. Stop thinking cheap on your investments. Stop confusing investments with expenses. Very few things in your business are more important than a good website. Don’t try to do it on your own or on the cheap. You’ll get crushed.

Until next time.

-Lee Godbold


The post You Can’t Afford a Cheap, Amateur Website appeared first on Junk Removal Authority.

from Junk Removal Authority

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Proper Techniques for Lifting Items Safely

Why it Matters

We’ve all done it at least once. You bend over to pick something up. You’re not really thinking about what you’re doing, your body posture, or how you’re moving. You lift the object, and pain shoots up through your back, causing you to wince. Hopefully this pain didn’t last long. If that’s the case, you were lucky. However, back injuries are no joke and they can leave you permanently damaged if they are serious enough. To throw salt in the wounds, if you’re just starting out in junk removal, that can limit your earning potential. If an employee gets hurt, not only will they have to deal with the pain, but you will have to deal with increased down time and much higher Workers’ Compensation expenses.

Dr. Sellers of Peak Chiropractic explains proper lifting techniques to prevent injuries.

In order to avoid catastrophe, you should always employ proper form when lifting objects of any weight. Train your team members how to properly lift, too – it will potentially save them from a lifetime of pain and save you a ton of money. Safe lifting procedures (and much more) are covered in our Junk Removal Operations Manual, which is included in our Complete Business Package. If you purchase the Business Package, Dr. Sellers, who is featured in the above video, will provide one-on-one training to teach you perfect lifting techniques for a variety of common junk removal situations.

The Basics

First, we’ll address what not to do.

  • Don’t round your back. As shown in the video, a rounded back is subtle, yet very noticeable. Many people naturally tend to round their backs when they lift, but make sure you avoid this tendency.
  • Don’t look down. Lowering your head is a great way to end up with a rounded back – and an injury.
  • Don’t twist your body. NEVER twist your back while under weight or even unweighted with a rounded back.

Instead, follow these guidelines to lift safely.

  • Keep a flat back. As Dr. Sellers puts it, “keep a flat back mentality.” Actively think about what you are doing with your back. Look ahead, keeping your head up and your back straight. Do not hunch over at all or allow your shoulders to sag. Throughout the lift, maintain your flat back, even if the item is heavy and you are struggling to lift it. Rounding your back will not make items easier to lift – it will just add harmful strain.
  • Keep your head up. Look ahead or slightly up as you grasp and lift each object. This will naturally help you keep your back flat and prevent unintentional rounding.
  • Maintain proper squat form and lift with your legs. When you begin the lift, especially if you aren’t accustomed to using proper form, you may find yourself wanting to shift weight to your back. Don’t do this. When you transfer the weight to your back, you round it to gain an initial force to start your lift. Instead, push down through your heels and lift using the strength of your legs. If you find this difficult, use weight training to increase your leg strength.

Barbell guy

Proper squat form may feel strange or difficult at first if you are not used to it, but good posture is an easy and free way to save yourself a ton of pain and money down the road.

The Message

Even if you’ve been lifting incorrectly your whole life, it’s not too late to implement these changes. Correcting your form is simple and free, and you’ll immediately reap the benefits. Over time, learning to use your legs will make you stronger, increasing the amount of weight you can lift. You’ll save yourself from injury, back pain, and the long-term effects these can have on you. Finally, you’ll save a ton of money either on your own medical bills or on Workers’ Compensation costs for your injured employees.

As always, call or email us with any questions, and let us know what JRA can do for you!

The post Proper Techniques for Lifting Items Safely appeared first on Junk Removal Authority.

from Junk Removal Authority

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

How Much Money Can You Make in Junk Removal?

The most important question any prospective entrepreneur is going to have before starting a business or investing in a business system is… does it make money, and how much? We have found junk removal companies can be profitable in places all throughout the country in small or large markets.This piece will tell you what kind of money you can expect to make.

Note: The content in this post is not a guarantee of funds you can earn with your business. Rather, this is the author‘s view on what you might expect to make based on his results with Junk Doctors’ multiple locations and the partners JRA works with across the country.

Epic Trailer

We started as a truck-and-trailer operation. Now we have a dump trailer just to haul our Bobcat around.

One of the first things that will affect the amount of money you will make with your junk removal business is whether you are on the truck or not. Ideally, you can start your business mostly off the truck. That way, you can be making cold calls, attending meetings, knocking on doors, dropping off flyers, and building your business rather than just picking up junk. In order to do this, you must have money saved to cover expenses and potentially help fund your business operations. Being off the truck and working to grow your business as much as possible increases your upside and accelerates your growth, but can result in several months to a year of negative cash flow. If you are working on your truck, your growth will be slower but you will be a profitable junk removal company from day one.

These numbers anticipate a junk removal business model in which the owner is mostly NOT on the truck. If the owner is on the truck, your labor costs would be reduced by about 15-20 percent.

Example of what can be made on $250,000 of revenue, typical of a second or third year well-run junk removal company in which the owner is mostly NOT on the truck:

Income: $250,000

  1. Labor: $75,000 – 30%
  2. Disposal Fees: $17,500 – 7%
  3. Fuel: $12,500 – 5%
  4. Insurance: $15,000 – 6%
  5. Automobile Repairs and Loan/Lease Payments: $12.500 – 5%
  6. Advertising: $25,000 – 10%
  7. Credit Card Fees: $3,750 – 1.5%
  8. Tools: $3,750 – 1.5%
  9. Other Expenses (Office Supplies, Injury Reimb, Meals/Ent, rent, etc): $30,000 – 12%

TOTAL Expenses: $195,000 – 78%

NET PROFIT: $55,000 – 22%

The above numbers could vary a few percentage points here and there, but as long as you have set your prices appropriately for your market, have honest team members who are not stealing, are operating your jobs efficiently, and team members are quoting your jobs correctly, then you should expect to produce these kinds of numbers.

However, one piece is missing – the manager’s pay. The manager could be you or someone you hire to run the business for you. This post is going to assume that you are the manager. If you are the manager and salesperson of a junk removal company that brings in less than $500,000, you should be making at minimum $50,000 a year. If you are below $250,000 in revenue, you might not be able to pay yourself that amount from the funds of the business because the money isn’t there. You should still keep track of that amount so that as your business grows, you can make up the deficit.

When you wrap up your first $250,000 year, you should feel proud that you’ve gotten your business to that level. However, do note that you basically just have a $50,000-a-year job at that point, which is the AVERAGE income for a person in America. You didn’t start your business to be average. There’s still lots of work to do! And your business is worth virtually nothing. A junk removal business is typically worth about four times its annual profits AFTER the manager (you) has been paid. So keep selling like crazy, making sure your team members are doing great work, and patiently follow the process day in and day out, and your junk removal business will one day be profiting 15 percent, AFTER paying you. Then you will have a valuable business, whether you are looking to sell it or not.

Don’t want to give control away? Partner with JRA!

-Lee Godbold

The Junk Removal Authority is here to help you with your junk removal business whether you are doing your initial research or you are a veteran in the market. With a complete business system that is second to none and support services you only pay for when you use them, there is no better option than JRA for Junk Removal Industry professionals. Call us today at 919-617-1975.

The post How Much Money Can You Make in Junk Removal? appeared first on Junk Removal Authority.

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Office Space for your Junk Removal Business

One of the great things about owning a junk removal business is the low fixed costs. One of the largest and easiest target areas for savings is your junk removal office space. You have a few different options when it comes to choosing an office. You can rent a flex space office/warehouse combination, rent a storage unit, or run the business from your home.

The first option – and by far the cheapest – is to run  your business from your home. With this option, you would park your vehicle at your home, your truck team would meet at your house, and all non-job-related business would be conducted at your home. There are a few positive aspects of doing business out of your home. The first is obviously the cost savings – rent for your junk removal office is free. And you can write off your rent or house payment by the percentage of space in your home you use for business. Nice!

However, the disadvantages of using your home as your junk removal office are numerous. The first is the fact that you will have team members coming to you at all times and six days a week. If that doesn’t bother you, wait until you have a team member who gets mad at you. That will make you feel a bit uncomfortable, even if the team member never does anything harmful. Also, parking a truck at your home is against many HOA rules. You will want some sort of warehouse place to store junk from time to time, especially if you have jobs to do after the dumps close for the day. You’ll need some tools and an air compressor to maintain the truck as well as a storage area for supplies. You will also likely need to conduct interviews for new team members at a coffee shop or restaurant (NEVER bring a stranger into your home for an interview). If you have a garage/shop area and are willing to allow junk to be stored there and team members to access it, then running a business from your home can certainly be a cost effective way to go.

Your second option is using a storage unit. For this option, you will need to rent both a unit and a parking spot. For a one or two truck operation, a 10′ x 20′ unit is normally large enough. Furnish the office with a desk and a few office chairs, an air compressor, truck tools, and shelving to store supplies such as paper towels and trash bags. Make sure the parking spot is large enough not only for the truck, but for up to two cars per truck. Team members will need a spot to park. When the truck isn’t parked, they can park their cars in the spot.

Check with management before renting a spot to find out a few things. Number one is whether you have access to an electrical jack to plug in an air compressor. Most of the time the unit will not have power. You can see if they will let you add an outlet, but that answer is usually “no.” Most of the time, you will have to run an extension cord out to an exterior power outlet. The other question is whether they allow you to do basic truck maintenance such as oil changes (if you plan on doing them yourself). Just make sure to be super clean and responsibly dispose of your oil or you will quickly draw the ire of the property manger.

The storage unit route is a great way to go. You normally will spend only about 1/3rd as much on a unit and parking spaces than you would if you rented a flex space. You will also have a month to month lease, so moving is super easy. We typically try to deal with the mom and pop operations and not the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) companies such as Public Storage and Extra Attic. These large corporations are typically much stricter on their rules.

If you rent a storage space, you will still want a space at your home to use as the actual business office. However, this is still a great route for running the truck operations. Once you have three trucks running fairly often, you can probably look into getting a flex space and feel confident that meeting your rent month after month will not be a problem. However, if you have a good home office, a storage unit might be all you need until you start to hire other office personnel. Again, it just depends on your situation.

The best, most convenient, and most professional option for your junk removal office is the flex office space. This will have an office area as well as a warehouse space. If you are getting a flex space when you first open, don’t get overly ambitious and go too large (one of the few times I’ll say don’t get overly ambitious). It will take some time to scale up your business and rent is one of the few fixed expenses you have in junk removal. If funds are limited, it’s better to spend money on acquiring new customers than on rent at a fancy office. Typically, an office of about 100-200 square feet and a warehouse of around 500-600 square feet will adequately meet your needs.

junk removal flex office space

When renting a flex space for your junk removal office, you ideally want a space with a drive-in door large enough to fit your truck. For Isuzu trucks, you’ll need a door over 9 foot wide – preferably 10 – and 9 feet high. This isn’t a deal breaker, but it is a huge bonus if you find a space with such a setup. A drive-in door is preferable to other arrangements, including a loading dock. Drive-in doors allow you to securely store your truck indoors and provide you with a safe, covered area to unload or perform maintenance on trucks.

Another factor to consider is a bathroom. Most flex spaces come equipped with a bathroom, and if you are paying flex space rates you should have one. Like with storage facilities, make sure the property managers understand what you will be doing. Make sure they are good with overnight parking and basic vehicle maintenance. You may not perform any of the maintenance on your trucks in-house, but you will at least want to be able to inflate your tires.

You don’t need road frontage or a location in the best part of town for your flex junk removal office space. You will save a lot on rent if you aren’t in the trendy area. However, some of these warehouse areas can be in shady neighborhoods. You want to make sure the area is well lit at night and that you will feel safe there at different hours of the day and night. The other issue with a location in a particularly bad area is theft and vandalism of trucks. The batteries on these Isuzu trucks are valuable for both resale and scrap because they are heavy. They can also be easily removed. In addition, the DPF filter is very valuable and can be cut off and sold/scrapped.

When parking vehicles in an area that isn’t gated, a competitor could slash your tires or vandalize your truck. As crazy as it may sound, each one of the scenarios listed has happened to us in the past.  Just to give you an idea, if the DPF filter gets stolen, it costs over $3,000 to replace and will result in several days of downtime. Preferably, you will want the office to have gated parking and/or night security. At minimum, it will need to be well lit.

Your junk removal office rent is one of the few fixed costs you will have when starting your junk removal business. Be wise when you make this decision. If you have the right set-up and are comfortable doing it out of your home then that is a great option. We suggest starting with a storage unit. You have month to month leases, can park vehicles in a gated area with video cameras, and have storage space for junk and supplies. If you need assistance with choosing an office space please call our office at 919-617-1975. Remember, assistance with choosing an office space is INCLUDED for those of you who purchase our complete business package.

Don’t want to give control away? Partner with JRA!

-Lee Godbold

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Choosing a Junk Removal Truck for your new Junk Removal Business

Choosing the  junk removal truck and truck body for your new junk removal business is one of the most important choices you will make. Your decision will mainly depend on your budget and your credit score. Since these blogs are aimed at providing relevant information for prospective and current junk removal business owners of all backgrounds, ages, and net worths, we will provide info on all of the different choices.

The options of junk removal truck setups that you have for your junk removal business are generally as follows:

  • Purchase a truck and regular trailer or dump trailer
  • Operate out of a box truck
  • Purchase a used junk removal truck
  • Buy a truck brand new and have a brand new body installed on it


junk removal franchise truck

As we built Junk Doctors, we bought mostly used junk removal trucks. However, more recently we have purchased new trucks and installed our own superior custom truck bodies.

The cheapest option is going with a pickup truck and trailer. For those of you who are strapped for cash and have bad credit or no credit history, this will be the route you must take. You can find a decent pickup truck for about $6,000 and purchase a trailer for about $1,500. There are many cons to taking the trailer route, however. I should know. That’s how we started Junk Doctors.

The first downside to using a trailer is the fact that you have to hand unload everything. That means once the truck is loaded, the job is only halfway done. You must hand unload at donation centers, recycling centers, transfer stations, or landfills. Trucks and trailers are also harder to back. This becomes a big issue if and when you start to hire people. Many prospects in our labor pool will not know how to back a trailer. Or worse, they’ll say they know how to and then run into something.

Secondly, the signage is not nearly as noticeable on your trailer, so you get fewer jobs from people seeing the truck. Finally, people will not take you as seriously or believe you are able to haul as much stuff. There is nothing more deflating than getting to a customer’s home and hearing them say, “oh, I thought you had a big truck.” But if that is your financial situation, then this is what you’ll have to do for the time being. Focus on making as much money as you can as quickly as you can so you can upgrade your truck.

The next option you have is purchasing an old used box truck. Old U-Haul, Budget, Ryder, and other rental trucks can be purchased for $10,000 to $15,000. The box truck is just a slight upgrade from the truck and trailer. You can have large graphics installed and the truck looks professional to your customers. But you still have to hand unload anywhere you go. A box truck is nice for donations as it keeps everything dry. Several junk removal companies actually have a box truck in addition to a dump truck just for donations. That is probably the only time you should buy a box truck – as a support vehicle for your dump trucks. If you can’t afford a dump truck, start with a truck and trailer and upgrade to a dump truck ASAP. Used dump trucks for the junk removal industry are just a bit more than the box truck and will quickly pay for themselves in increased labor efficiency.

Option #3 is to purchase a used junk removal dump truck. You can normally find a decent Got Junk truck every week or so on either or It’s also worthwhile to look on Craigslist. Searching expedites searching through Craigslist. If possible, avoid trucks that have been up north or in coastal areas. We have bought our share of trucks from those environments and the rust makes maintenance costs much higher. Stuff might not break more easily, but when it comes time to fix things, bolts, fittings, clamps, and more break from being frozen by rust. It increases the repair time of the vehicle and drives up costs of parts. However, the majority of used Got Junk trucks will be found in northern environments.

When looking at used Got Junk trucks, you will either be looking at an Isuzu NPR or a GMC W4500. They are the same truck! There is no difference other than the fact that one says “Isuzu” and one says “GMC.” Generally, if you are going to buy used we recommend purchasing a truck that is between the model years of 2005 and 2007. The 2005 model was the first year of the 4HK1 engine. This engine has more power than its predecessor, the 4HE1, and many of the parts are much cheaper (though still expensive). For example, a fuel pump for a 4HK1 is around $1,400, while one for a 2004 or older model is around $4,000. We do recommend pre-2008 vehicles if possible because they did not have the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)  system. DPF systems vastly increase maintenance costs as they age. They also have some specific operating instructions that many junk removal team members will not understand.

2012 and later models use Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), which has to be refilled often. The DEF tank is also a potential area for inexperienced drivers to do a huge amount of damage to your vehicle by adding fuel to the DEF tank and not the fuel tank. This repair, should it happen, will cost about $6,000. The 2007 and older models were also lighter in weight. The 2008 and newer models are more comfortable, but with the added comfort came increased weight, which decreased payload weight for your trucks.

Truck 4

When you buy a used truck, it’s a good idea to invest in new paint and graphics. They’re a great source of advertising for your business.

When inspecting your prospective used junk removal truck, the first thing to do is look underneath for leaks. Then pull the dipstick and make sure the oil level is good. Pull the dipstick for the transmission fluid and make sure the fluid doesn’t smell extremely burnt. It isn’t uncommon to have a slight burn smell, but it shouldn’t be overpowering. Look at the fuel filter, oil filter, and transmission oil filters to see if it looks like the filters have been recently changed. Raise the bed with the engine off. It should sound smooth going up and down. You shouldn’t hear any groans. Check the grease fittings to see if any grease is coming out of them or if they look dry and ungreased. Look at the frame and the screws, bolts, and fittings that hold things on. Are they very rusty? Raise the cab. Check and see if any of those clamps or hardware look rusty.

Finally, crank up the truck. Does it crank right up? Listen for clanging sounds coming from the engine. We purchased our second NPR in 2013, and the engine went out after we had put about 20,000 miles on it. We had heard a “clanging” sound for quite some time now and had figured it was normal for the 4HK1 engine. We were wrong. Part of the valve train came apart and that engine had to be replaced. It is about $7,000 to have a new engine put in your truck.

If the engine sounds like it runs well and all the lights on the dash are off then you will want to test drive it. When driving, check for play in the steering wheel, ensure the brakes work correctly, and make sure the truck accelerates smoothly. NPR’s can comfortably run about 65 MPH. If these checks all go well then you could have a good truck. You should be able to find a decent Got Junk truck for about $20,000 to $25,000 at around 90,000 to 120,000 miles.

The final option you have is to buy a dump truck brand new and install your choice of truck body. You can go to your local Isuzu dealer and order the truck. We strongly recommend Isuzu NRR trucks. We are one of the few that do. The NRR’s have a 19,500 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) compared to an NPR, which has 14,500 GVWR. Basically, an NRR can haul 5,000 pounds more than an NPR. It can do that because the suspension and brakes are more heavy duty. From experience we have learned that NRR’s also have lower maintenance costs. Brakes last twice as long on an NRR because they are larger. And it is much easier to keep from overloading an NRR. You will often be operating an NPR overweight. This is both illegal and unsafe.

The NRR is about $5,000 more up front, but you will likely be financing or leasing it anyway, so your monthly payment will only be marginally higher. It is definitely worth the increased cost. You are taking buying a junk removal truck seriously by doing your research. When you buy new you are also investing some serious money in a junk removal truck. Don’t skimp by getting a new NPR just to save a few thousand dollars – which is being financed over five or six years anyway. Get the right tool for the job and you will never regret it.

When you order the truck from the dealer you will roll the body in with the financing of the truck. You can custom design your junk removal body, or you can talk to us for recommendations on where and how to purchase an optimal truck body.

You might be wondering, “why use a Low Cab Forward truck like the Isuzu truck?” Maneuverability! Remember, most of your drivers will be inexperienced. Buy a truck that handles as well as an LCF, and the number of mailboxes they run over goes WAY down. The Ford, Chevy, and Dodge dump trucks with the long nose simply don’t have the turning radius or field of view of the Isuzu trucks. They’re all great brands, but they do not fit the type of workers you will typically have driving them.

If at all possible, I would recommend either purchasing a used Got Junk truck or buying a new NRR with a custom truck body. It simply depends on your financial situation. If you can afford new, go with a new truck. That will give you the most “up-time” because your vehicle will not be getting repairs very often. And there is nothing worse then a truck going down when you don’t have another to take its place.

Don’t give control away. Partner with JRA!

-Lee Godbold


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The Junk Removal Authority… The Superior Choice to Handcuffing Yourself to a Franchise

Junk Removal is a fantastic business to be in. Those of you who are in the position to buy into a junk removal franchise have a huge leg up on the competition right out of the gate. The much higher up front fee for a franchise is so worth it. Why, you ask? And how do you know? From personal experience.

I’m Lee Godbold, co-founder of Junk Doctors Junk Removal and Hauling. I started Junk Doctors when I was 22 years old and a manager at Jellybeans Skating Center in Cary, North Carolina. Actually, I think I was a manager. Who knows? Doesn’t everyone say they were a manager when they worked at a fast food restaurant, clothing store, or roller skating rink? It sounds a lot better than “Bathroom Cleaner” on a resume – although I did plenty of that. And I did things much more disgusting with my next “job;” Junk Doctors. I was making I think $11 an hour at Jellybeans, maybe $10, and had managed to save up a pretty good amount of money for the amount I was earning. But it wasn’t nearly enough to purchase a franchise. That option was off the table! I was going to have to figure it out on my own. That meant lots of expensive mistakes, some embarrassing, many frustrating.

Truck 4

What started as a little 2-man operation became a $2 Million-a-year business in 5 years. Now, we want to help you get there even faster.

What was tough for me then is now a great thing for you. Because I’ve lost the money for YOU. I’ve gone through the stress of stupid decisions for YOU. Have I seen all the mistakes and problems that come with a junk removal business? Dang close. Have I seen what works? What can take a company started by a couple 20-somethings to a $2 Million a year business by the end of year 5? I sure have. And myself and everyone else with JRA have taken all that knowledge and created a business system that will make your company successful right out of the gate.

So, what exactly is JRA? JRA is a support and consulting service for the Junk Removal Industry. Currently, we offer a complete business system, call centercomplete website and landing page, Google Ads and SEO management, one-on-one consulting, and the one-of-a-kind Pay-Per-Job Income Generation program. We are also in development of an app that will make running a junk removal company infinitely easier for the business owner.

What isn’t JRA? JRA is NOT a junk removal franchise. What does that mean for you, the future junk removal business owner? That means, when you partner with JRA, you have a company that is fully behind you and committed to your success. But, unlike a junk removal franchise, you aren’t handcuffed to us. Why? There are no ongoing royalties. You simply pay for the services you use. Want a complete business system that takes you from idea to opening day within two months? Great! You simply pay for it up front and that’s it. Want to have a business that you can proudly say is 100 percent local? The people in your area will reward you greatly. They love shopping local.  Want a call center to use when you miss calls, after hours, on holidays, or even all the time? Perfect. Simply pay for the minutes you use our call center. You aren’t forced to pay around 15 percent royalties to the franchisor for eternity. As you get larger, you very well might find out that you no longer need that support. But with a junk removal franchise you still have to pay for it.

Think about it. On $1 Million in revenue you are paying out $150,000 in fees. On $2 Million you are paying $300,000. Is that long term commitment worth the ongoing royalties? Possibly. Until now. Now you have an option that provides all the support without the commitment.

This is the first post for our new site here at JRA. New blogs will be posted a few times a week and will feature relevant info to the junk removal business. A lot of great info will be posted on this blog, on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube pages. Please follow us on those social media platforms. The free info we will be putting out will be relevant to starting a junk removal business, managing the ongoing operations, purchasing a junk truck, dealing with customers, junk removal finances, and more. We are committed to providing great content. Will some of our stuff be sales pitches? Yes it will. But we 100 percent believe that the way we operate is what is best for prospective junk removal business owners. It is without a shadow of a doubt what we would have done when we started our business if this option had been available.

Don’t give control away. Partner with JRA!

-Lee Godbold

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from Junk Removal Authority

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Why You Should Put Up A Reliable Junk Removal Company

One of the things that people produce a lot of on a regular basis is junk. Whether you are in Sacramento, Kansas, or Atlanta, junk is being made everywhere. One of the tasks a lot of people find rather daunting and difficult to do is the hauling and disposal of junk that they have. People who abhor such a task often try to find a company that can do this for them, and this is one of the many reasons why you should consider putting up a  junk removal company.

Having a business that focuses on junk removal anywhere in the US is considered a lucrative endeavor primarily because not that many people actually want to haul their junk themselves. There is money to be made in junk and hauling other people’s junk can be a good business for you to consider getting into. Of course, this is not the only reason why you should get into such a business, although it is probably the biggest one.

How to Start Your Junk Removal Business

What other reasons are there for you to make that big leap into creating a company that specializes in junk removal in Atlanta? Here are some of them:

You get to help others

The satisfaction you get from knowing that you were able to help another person with a task that they could not handle, even if it was for a fee, is another good reason for you to get into such a biz. Not everyone can easily handle the kind of work involved with hauling and disposing of junk. Being able to do this will give you the chance to assist people with a need that they have and at the same time, it also gives you a way to earn money.

You get to help the community

Nothing is as unsightly as a pile of junk sitting outside a home, waiting to be hauled away and to be disposed of. As mentioned earlier, not everyone has the chops or the know-how to properly get rid of junk that people sometimes end up accumulating. Getting rid of junk that creates a rather unsightly mess in front of homes and offices in your community essentially helps the community since you are keeping the surroundings clean and making your city a better place to live in.

You give people jobs

Being a business owner and running a junk removal business means that you will need a few other people to help you with the services that you offer. You cannot very well collect and dispose of piles of junk on your own. You will need a crew to help you with this. You will also need staff to help you answer calls and to accept jobs for your business. When your enterprise expands, you will need more people to do these tasks, which means you will give more people jobs.

You get to help the environment

As a business that specializes in junk removal, you should be well aware that not all types of junk can and should be disposed of in a singular way. There are many different disposal methods that need to be followed according to rules set by the EPA and your local as well as state regulations. As a provider of such a service, you get to dispose of the many different types of junk you encounter the right way. This helps prevent contamination of surroundings and you get to help the planet by recycling junk that can be recycled.

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from Junk Removal Authority

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Read the Fine Print Before Investing in a Junk Removal Franchise

Who would have thought that junk removal can actually make a person rich? Yet, you see it happening all around you. College students putting up a small junk removal business to help pay for tuition becoming millionaires, unemployed single moms striking it rich with a junk hauling business that they started with their own old pickup truck – the list goes on. Going into such a business is a good idea, whether you are planning on going it your own way by putting up your own junk removal business or buying into a junk removal franchise since it has been proven to be a lucrative endeavor.

If you are looking to get into the world of junk removal and are thinking of doing so by way of a junk removal franchise, there are a few things you should be aware of. With a franchise, you need to be sure what you are getting yourself into or you may just end up working to make someone else rich by your efforts. Here are some of the things you may not know about a junk removal franchise or any franchise for that matter:

junk removal services

They call the shots

It may be your investment and it may seem like it is your business, but in reality, you are doing things their way. You don’t really call the shots since you need to follow the guidelines for running the business the way the franchiser says you should. You may be the boss in your office but you still answer to a higher entity, which is your franchiser.

You cannot innovate

Innovation and doing things in a resourceful fashion is not allowed. Some franchisers may allow you to innovate but not without permission. No matter how ingenious your idea, if it is not allowed by the mother company, you cannot use it for your own business.

They may have the right to some of your profits

Yes, you paid for the franchise, but that does not mean that all the money you make is your own. Read through the fine print to see whether or not your franchise requires that you remit some of your company’s profits to them as part of your deal. Some franchisers waive certain fees and demand a cut from what you make instead. This is often what is done when the area you are targeting is considered a very lucrative location for your business.

You can’t fix flaws in the business model

If the business model you bought into does not sit well with your business sense, you cannot do anything about it. When you find a fault with the system that your mother company is using, you are obligated to follow such a system and cannot instigate reforms or fix the system for your own business. You can try to suggest this fix to your franchiser but there is a slim chance that they will adopt your suggestion.

You may be sanctioned for not living up to expectations

Franchisers expect their franchisees to live up to their standards. You did but into a name that is already established and the company will want to keep the reputation of the brand intact. If you fail to uphold the rules set by the franchiser regarding their expectations, sanctions may be imposed on you, or worse, your franchise revoked without you getting your money back.

The post Read the Fine Print Before Investing in a Junk Removal Franchise appeared first on Junk Removal Authority.

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